Tofte Manor . Souldrop Road . Sharnbrook . Bedfordshire . MK44 1HH
Tofte Manor is in the village of Sharnbrook in Bedfordshire, within easy by car or train.
Just 8 miles from Bedford, 24 miles from Milton Keynes, 60 miles from London, 71 miles to Birmingham, 34 miles from Luton.
Nearest railway station is Bedford, 15 minutes from Tofte Manor.
Directions and costs for transport
or extra accommodation for guests, click:
At Tofte we like to be as ecological as possible and encourage a paper-free, digital approach. On this basis, you are very welcome to download our brochures for more details.
Click subject below to download PDF:
For enquiries or further information on available dates,
costings, venue viewings and events,
please don't hesitate to contact us
by completing the form below
or calling us!
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